Tebanasu Terms of Service – Fifth Edition

Effective Date: December 4, 2023

Article 1 (Purpose)

These Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as “Terms”) stipulate the conditions for using tebanasu (hereinafter referred to as “Service”) provided by Only One Partners Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Company”). Users of this service (hereinafter referred to as “Users”) shall use the service in accordance with these Terms.

Article 2 (Changes to the Terms of Service)

The Company may change these Terms within a reasonable scope without individually notifying the Users. However, the Company will inform the Users of the changes and the effective date in advance. If the Terms are changed, the conditions for using the service will be in accordance with the changed Terms, which will constitute the content of the use contract.

Article 3 (Conclusion of the Contract)

1. Application for Use

Users apply for this service by agreeing to all of these Terms and entering the required information in the application form prescribed by the Company. After applying, Users shall pay the usage fees stipulated by the Company by the payment method and due date specified in these Terms. The Company will start the necessary setup work after confirming the payment of the usage fees.

2. Establishment of the Use Contract

The use contract is established when the Company approves the application for the service made by the User following the procedures set forth in the preceding paragraph. Once the use contract is established, these Terms will constitute the content of the use contract, and the User shall comply with the obligations under these Terms.

However, if the User falls under any of the following categories, the Company may not accept the User’s application for the use contract. The Company is not obliged to disclose the reason for rejecting the application.

  • (1) If it is expected that payment will not be made by the payment due date, such as failing the credit card payment screening.
  • (2) If the information provided by the User contains false information.
  • (3) If it is found that the User falls under antisocial forces as stipulated in Article 17 (Exclusion of Antisocial Forces) or any of the items in paragraph 1 of the same article.
  • (4) If it is clear that the User has violated or is violating contracts or terms with the Company (not limited to this use contract).
  • (5) If there are other reasonable reasons to deem that concluding the use contract is inappropriate.

Article 4 (Termination of the Use Contract by the Company)

1. Even after the use contract is established, the Company may immediately terminate the use contract if it is found that the User falls under any of the following categories:

  • (1) If the supervisory authority imposes a business suspension or cancels the business license or registration.
  • (2) If a bill or check is dishonored, or if payment is stopped or insolvency occurs.
  • (3) If a petition for bankruptcy proceedings, special liquidation proceedings, corporate reorganization proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, or other legal insolvency proceedings (including those established after the conclusion of this use contract) is filed, or if private settlement is initiated, or if there is a risk thereof.
  • (4) If seizure, provisional seizure, provisional disposition, auction application, tax delinquency disposition, or other public power disposition is received, or if there is a risk thereof. However, minor ones that do not significantly affect the performance of this contract are excluded.
  • (5) If it is found that false information was notified at the time of application for the use contract.
  • (6) If the User fails to pay the usage fees to the Company by the due date.
  • (7) If it is found that the right to receive the service has been transferred, lent, changed name, provided as collateral, or made available for use by third parties.
  • (8) If it is found that the User has been terminated or suspended from using the service due to unauthorized use in the past.
  • (9) If the User does not improve despite guidance or requests from the Company.
  • (10) If the User causes trouble or is likely to cause trouble to the Company, other Users of the Company, or on the internet.
  • (11) If it is judged that the increase in the amount of email distribution significantly affects other customers.
  • (12) If the User violates these Terms and it is expected that the violation cannot be corrected, or if the User does not correct the violation despite the Company’s request.
  • (13) If it is judged that the continuation of the use contract would interfere with technical or business execution of the Company.

2. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User due to the termination of the use contract by the Company.

Article 5 (Termination of the Use Contract by the User)

1. The User may notify the Company of termination by using the “Withdrawal Procedure” page (after logging in), the inquiry form, or by emailing the Company (info@tebanasusystem.com) in the manner specified by the Company.

2. When the User applies for termination in accordance with the preceding paragraph, the Company will approve the termination within 5 business days after the User’s termination application, and the use contract will end on the day before the next payment date. (If the termination application is made within 5 business days of the contract period, the contract will be renewed according to Article 6, paragraph 2, and the usage fee for the next contract period will be incurred.)

3. Even if the User terminates, the Company will not make prorated settlements for the unused period of the use contract, and will not refund the usage fees received from the User.

Article 6 (Contract Period)

1. The contract period for this use contract is monthly, starting from the day the User applies for the service and the initial payment of the usage fees is completed (service start date).

2. If the User does not apply for termination as per the preceding article by 5 days before the end of the contract period, the contract period will automatically renew for one month under the same conditions.

3. The User may terminate the use contract during the contract period as per the preceding article, but the usage fees once paid will not be refunded.

Article 7 (Usage Fees)

1. The usage fees for this service shall be determined separately, and the payment method shall be credit card payment approved by the Company.

2. The User shall pay the usage fees for the period equivalent to the service usage period to the Company.

3. For individual services that arise due to individual requests or circumstances of the User, which are not part of the Company’s provided plan services, the fee shall be as estimated by the Company individually.

4. The Company may revise the initial costs and monthly fees for this service. If the usage fees are changed, the changed fees will apply from the next contract period after the contract is renewed, but the previous fees will apply during the contract period of the use contract.

5. The payment due date for the usage fees shall be the day the credit card payment is made, and thereafter, the payment due date shall be the day the credit card payment was first made for the use contract.

6. If the plan service provided by the Company is changed during the use contract period, the fees for the new plan service will be settled on a prorated basis at the time of the change, and the payment for the new plan service will be made by credit card. In this case, the payment due date will be the day the credit card payment for the changed plan service is made.

7. This service may provide a free period only for the first use. The contents and conditions of the free period will be governed by the individual regulations set by the Company regarding the free period.

Article 8 (Minimum Usage Period)

There is no minimum usage period for this service. However, as per Article 5, no refunds will be made for usage fees upon termination of the use contract.

Article 9 (Late Damages)

If the User fails to pay the usage fees, a late interest of 14.6% per annum will accrue from the day after the payment due date in Article 7, paragraphs 5 or 6, until payment is made.

Article 10 (Refund of Usage Fees)

Except as provided in these Terms or as determined by the Company, the Company will not refund any usage fees already received from the User.

Article 11 (Management of User Information)

The Company will appropriately manage the personal information of the User obtained in the course of providing this service in accordance with the Company’s privacy policy.

Article 12 (User Obligations)

Users shall use this service in compliance with these Terms and shall not engage in any of the following acts:

  • (1) Acts that violate laws or public order and morals.
  • (2) Acts that infringe the intellectual property rights, portrait rights, privacy rights, honor, or other rights or interests of the Company or third parties.
  • (3) Acts that excessively load the network or system of this service.
  • (4) Acts of unauthorized access or attempts thereof.
  • (5) Acts of impersonating third parties.
  • (6) Acts of providing benefits directly or indirectly to antisocial forces in relation to this service.
  • (7) Other acts that the Company deems inappropriate.

Article 13 (Suspension of Service)

The Company may suspend or interrupt the provision of this service in whole or in part without prior notice to the User if any of the following apply:

  • (1) When performing maintenance or updates of the system.
  • (2) When it becomes difficult to provide this service due to force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning, fire, power outages, or natural disasters.
  • (3) When the system or communication line stops due to an accident.
  • (4) In other cases where the Company determines that suspension or interruption is necessary.

Article 14 (Disclaimers)

The Company does not guarantee that this service will be free of defects or that it will be continuously provided. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the User due to the use or inability to use this service.

Article 15 (Changes to Service Content)

The Company may change the content of this service or discontinue the provision of this service at its convenience. The Company will notify the User in advance if the service is discontinued.

Article 16 (Handling of User Data)

When the use contract is terminated, the Company may delete the User’s data stored in this service. The Company is not obligated to return such data to the User.

Article 17 (Exclusion of Antisocial Forces)

The User represents and warrants that they do not fall under any of the following categories and will not fall under any of these categories in the future:

  • (1) Antisocial forces (organized crime groups, members of organized crime groups, right-wing groups, antisocial forces, and other equivalents).
  • (2) Entities that have a relationship with antisocial forces, such as providing funds or convenience.

If it is found that the User falls under any of these categories, the Company may terminate the use contract without any notice.

Article 18 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

These Terms are governed by the laws of Japan. Any disputes arising out of or related to these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Tokyo District Court in the first instance.

Article 19 (Publication of Case Studies)

The Company may publish case studies of the User’s use of this service on the Company’s website, etc., for the purpose of promoting this service. If the User does not wish to be published, they can request the Company to stop the publication.

Article 20 (Contact and Notification)

Contact or notification between the User and the Company shall be made in the manner prescribed by the Company. Unless the User submits a change notification in the manner specified separately by the Company, the Company will assume the current contact information is valid and send notices to it, which shall be deemed to have reached the User at the time they would normally arrive.

Article 21 (Assignment of Contractual Status, etc.)

1. The User shall not transfer or assign their contractual status or rights and obligations under this agreement to a third party, provide them as collateral, or otherwise dispose of them without the prior written consent of the Company.

2. If the Company transfers the business related to this service to another company, the Company may transfer the contractual status, rights and obligations under this agreement, and User’s registration information and other customer information to the transferee, and the User hereby agrees to such transfer in advance. The business transfer referred to in this paragraph includes not only ordinary business transfers but also corporate splits and any other cases where business is transferred.

Article 22 (Severability)

Even if any provision of these Terms or part thereof is found to be invalid or unenforceable under the Consumer Contract Act or other laws and regulations, the remaining provisions of these Terms and the rest of any provision which is partially found to be invalid or unenforceable shall continue in full force and effect.

Article 23 (Survival Provisions)

Among the provisions of these Terms, those that by their nature should remain in effect even after the termination of the use contract, including but not limited to Article 10 (Refund of Usage Fees), Article 14 (Disclaimers), Article 16 (Handling of User Data), Article 18 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction), shall continue to be effective after the termination of the use contract.

Article 24 (Consultation and Resolution)

If any doubt arises regarding matters not stipulated in these Terms or the interpretation of these Terms, the User and the Company shall promptly resolve it through mutual consultation in accordance with the principle of good faith and trust.

Operating Environment

tebanasu is guaranteed to work in the following environment.

Application page

The application page for general users is compatible with the following operating systems and browsers.

*Browsers that are no longer supported by the vendor cannot be used. (IE10 or lower, Netscape, etc.)

Windows 7 (Japanese version) or higher

Browser : Internet Explorer 11 or higher
Internet Explorer 11 or above
Mozilla Firefox latest version
Google Chrome latest version
Microsoft Edge latest version (for Windows 10)

Mac OS X (Japanese version) or higher

Browser : Safari
Safari latest version
Google Chrome latest version
Mozilla Firefox latest version


iPhone OS: iOS 11.0 or later Browser: Safari latest version


OS: Android 6.0 or higher Browser: Standard browser or latest version of Chrome

Administrator’s Screen

The administration screen for tebanasu administrators is compatible with the following operating systems and browsers.

*Internet Explorer cannot be used on the administration screen because it does not support the basic Javascript syntax (ES5).
*Smart phones and tablets such as iOS and Android are not supported.

Windows 7 (Japanese version) or higher

Browser : Mozilla Firefox latest version
Mozilla Firefox latest version
Google Chrome latest version
Microsoft Edge latest version (for Windows 10)

Mac OS X (Japanese version) or higher

Browser : Safari
Safari latest version
Google Chrome latest version
Mozilla Firefox latest version

Privacy Policy

Privacy and Security Commitment of Only One Partners Co.

Enforcement and Revision Information

  • First edition October 1, 2019 Enacted and entered into force
  • Second edition November 1, 2019 Enacted and entered into force
  • Third edition August 17, 2021 Enacted and effective
  • Fourth edition August 17, 2023 Enacted and effective
  • Fifth edition December 4, 2023 Enacted and effective